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Welcome to the priME Academy AG website

We develop and operate digital serious games and gamified applications under the priME SIM brand that are specifically designed to convey entrepreneurial topics in a playful way.


Our interactive training tools cover a wide range of topics, including startup and innovation processes, management of for-profit and non-profit organizations, and sustainability. 


Our solutions are ideal for anyone looking to expand their knowledge in these areas - from beginners to experienced professionals.


In addition, we offer exciting seminars and inspiring projects under the priME BIZ brand and challenging competitions under the priME CUP brand that deepen learning and enable practical experience.


Immerse yourself in a world full of knowledge and fun and be inspired by our unique tools, seminars, competitions and projects to fully exploit your entrepreneurial potential. 


Learning has never been so exciting and effective!


If you are interested in working together we look forward to hearing from you!